
Karl Stern

The "aid volunteers" from the Caucasus
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
So everyone has said. We want to return home. And how could it? - Since we have lived, lived as monks. Really. But the Mamushka has - the son was even in Siberia. Many families have had a loved one in Siberia as a prisoner. And down in the Caucasus, who were often - many joined the German Wehrmacht. These were the "agents willing," has been called, the volunteer auxiliaries. And they were very fanatic who believed, liberating them from Communism. And after the British have since done something wrong. Who have joined in Kärnten since the prison camp - and they have given to the Russians. - We have also said "If I no longer get out of the Caucasus, then give us the ball." And two are priests so doing has become, in the ambulance. One says, then he will go to hell and the other says: "And where we are now since we are already?." Not? - - - Now we are back at war. I prefer to avoid that.